Vision | Manifest
A dance short film by Tanya Birl-Torres on the full spectrum of humanity that is a black woman.
“When a black woman heals, all of humanity heals.”
Movement director, writer, yoga teacher and embodied systems facilitator Tanya Birl-Torres bears her soul in the tale of two viruses (COVID and Racism) and what it means for a black body to heal and be witnessed. She draws her inspiration from the church and her upbringing in it, both a place of refuge and joy as well as one of confusion and displacement. The paradox of rage and love is what ultimately creates the condition for her to thrive. A birth, death and rebirth process of both growing up and grounding down in her relationships with both Christianity and Yoga and how she has found God in the liberatory practice of being unapologetically herself.
A Call to action
For society to see the black body as one that is beautifully complex, vulnerable and resilient. This piece is dedicated to the black mother and all of the ancestors who have been birthing humanity from the beginning of time. It is our time to rise up and be witnessed as the process of healing seven generations past and future is woven into our very presence. This is also a wake-up call for the church. No longer does a personal God who only takes care of me and mine acceptable. It is time to risk an act of great love.