Five Mualimm-ak: Socially Sound

Five is hands down one of the most intelligent and compassionate human being I have ever known. We both met speaking at an event for CCR for the book release of ' Hell is A Very Small Place: Voices From Solitary Confinement'. The book puts a face and a story to the the thousands of Americans who are inhumanely locking up in isolation. Five read his own story, which is gripping and heartbreaking and the reason why he spends every waking moment since his release fighting the system. "I represent the problems of society and I'm just mirroring that as a poet". He is a creative genius and has too many projects to name, but let's just say that if it has something to do with mass incarceration and human rights, his name is attached. To sit with Five and listen to the pain and passion that he expresses was a true honor.

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